An {a}Typical Sunday at the McLay's
Our faithful & dedicated ward chorister wrangled our family into singing a special number in Sacrament meeting this morning. Despite a few minor quabbles (from parents and children) as to how we would actually pull said musical number off, it all came together nicely.
Our rendition of "Today While the Sun Shines" was made all the more enjoyable by the fact that 5-year-old, Jacob, has a tooth so loose, a light wind could blow it out of his mouth. I laughed during the entire sacrament meeting imagining him singing "today while the sun shines, work with a will--" and watching that tooth fly right out of his mouth. Thankfully, it remained intact, and we are still enjoying it's wild contortions as it hangs faithfully onto his pink gums.

After church, ring-leader, Rebecca, randomly placed an announcement in the hallway for her "LONGEST STORY Contest." Andrew printed off his classic 7-page ghost story, "The Chronicles of Clock Work Lane" (will post this sometime to show off our oldest's incredible writing talents). The twins, on the other hand (who had not a wing or a prayer) got some help from the clever Sister McLay, each writing really, really, really, really....long stories, and illustrating them with style.

Meanwhile, Andrew spends his evening doing {GASP} homework! (We're trying to get the 'homework on Saturday' habit ingrained in all children early, so as to make the teen years a bit more simple).

And...there is our Sunday. How was yours?
~Brother & Sister McLay
Great idea "Longest Story Contest". What did the kids write about? But, that's a perfect thing to do on Sundays. Ours was well - we spent dinner with President and Sister Wixom, which is always delightful.
You are so creative Brooke!Thanks for your example. We spent Sunday changing diapers, begging the kids to write in their journals and ending it with a talent show atop our fireplace. I do love Sundays, poopy diapers and all.
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