Forgive the Computer Issues

Saturday, September 13, 2008

It took a flooded basement, a shorted out telephone wire, and a good portion of our weekend to throw the first Fount Of Youth contest into a dither, but we're back on track now.

THANK YOU to those of you brave enough to share your dating ideas. We'd love to have your questions, and look forward to more giveaways in exchange for your great advice.

Without further adieu, we've chosen our contest winners! Congratulations to Aleisha and Chase for their thoughtful, well-articulated ideas for our dating dilemma.

Here are their responses...

Don't change what you're doing. Be a perfect gentleman and one day you will be blessed with a girl who is so glad you show such respect and such good manners. In the meantime, keep asking girls out and if they don't treat you right in return, simply look at it as a learning experience....that's what dating is anyway....and keep asking out the girls who appreciate your goodness. My guess is the girls rolling their eyes really do like your chivalry too. Who doesn't like being treated good? They just don't show it, and that's too bad. But we love nice boys!! Promise :D

Be the best person you can be, you sound like a nice person and polite but you might be a little awkward. I have the same problem. What works for me is being myself and being confident in myself. And some girls are just too picky and judgmental, stay away from them! Ask people out who will accept who you really are, a good person. Also, the more you date, the less awkward you will get, so don't give up. Last of all, if there is something about yourself that even "accepting" girls don't like, change and make yourself a better person. However, if you are already a good guy, DO NOT make yourself a worse person just so the "judgmental" girls will have fun. Basically, Choose the right girls, stay righteous, be yourself and confident, and just have fun! ~Chase

Chase & Aleisha, email your mailing addresses to us at:

and we'll stick your T-shirts will be in the mail!


We'd love to hear from the rest of you.

Please feel free to send along your dating dilemmas, mission announcements,and other thoughts or questions to us.

We Love You!

Brother & Sister McLay