Friday Manners

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Want to show your date that you're an attentive listener? Perk up your...your ears, sure. But even more importantly, your...eyes.

Eye contact on a date is a simple way to show your date you care. When you turn your attention from all of your surroundings, and zero in on your companion, you're able to focus on them. This is good for them, and even better for you. A good look in the eye will tell you alot about a person.

"In the scriptures, the eye is often used as a symbol of a person’s ability to receive the light of God. Symbolically, a person’s eye also shows spiritual condition and an understanding of the things of God.

The commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes, Ps. 19: 8. ...The light of the body is the eye, Matt. 6: 22 (Luke 11: 34; 3 Ne. 13: 22; D&C 88: 67)...By the power of the Spirit our eyes were opened and our understandings enlightened, D&C 76: 12. The light is through him who enlighteneth your eyes, D&C 88: 11. If your eye be single to my glory, your whole bodies shall be filled with light, D&C 88: 67. " (from:

Do your date--and yourself--a favor, and look deeply into their eyes. You might just discover their soul.