Thought Bubble Thursday

Thursday, September 18, 2008

“The Peaceable Things in Less Peaceful Times”

I recently reviewed some remarks given by President Henry B. Eyring in February 2003. At the time, he was a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and was introducing the keynote speaker, Gordon B. Hinckley, at a fireside for Seminary and Institute teachers. His remarks are titled, “The Spirit Must Be Our Constant Companion” (An Evening With President Gordon B. Hinckley, 7 February 2003).

I was touched as I pondered the significance of the Holy Spirit in my life. In every role of my life—husband, father, Seminary teacher, bishopric member, son, brother, friend, etc.—the Spirit is essential. Without the Spirit, I am less effective—even unsuccessful. With the Spirit, I can do everything that God wants me to do, and I can do it in His way, and with His power. Speaking specifically to teachers of youth and young single adults, President Eyring said:

“…Knowing how to get the Spirit matters so much for us. What will keep our students pure and at peace in the world they face is more than knowing the gospel and the world of God. It is more than knowing the wonderful organization, the inspiring history, and the great leaders of the Church. They must choose obedience to the Lord’s commandments in the face of greater temptations and trials. They must do it out of faith in Jesus Christ. And that faith can only come through the witness of the Spirit.”

Truer words have never been spoken. We must live worthy so that we can have the Spirit as our constant companion. We must live in a manner that allows the teachings of the Savior to sink deep into our hearts. We must repent when we sin. Also, as President Eyring teaches, “it takes prayer offered in faith and it takes obedience to the commandments of God.”

The world today is rarely friendly toward the things of righteousness. Yet, we can live above the evil influences that would harm us. Indeed, as President Eyring teaches, as we live and work and obey we “will find that the Spirit is teaching [us] the peaceable things in less peaceful times.”

May we so live and be so blessed.

~Brother McLay