Our First Contest Extended!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

It occurred to us awfully late in the week that a good many of you want to get in on our contest, but can't leave a comment on the blogspot pages. NO WORRIES!
We've extended the deadline to tomorrow evening. Don't miss your chance to win one of two HOT EFY Counselor shirts.
To get in on the contest, simply email your answer to last Friday's Dating dilemma to Brother & Sister McLay at:
The Question:
My friends and I plan good, fun, group dates on lots of weekends. I try really hard to be a gentlemen to the young women I ask on the dates, but they sometimes seem unappreciative of the whole thing. When I opened the car door one time, my date rolled her eyes at her friend and giggled. And, sometimes I swear they'd rather talk to anyone else in the group but me. Girls always say they want a perfect gentlemen, but so many of them don't act like perfect ladies. How can I be a cool date without coming across as awkward or stiff or seeming strange?

We're excited to hear from you!
Our two favorite answers will be revealed tomorrow night...
Brother & Sister McLay