I Love My Parents

Thursday, October 16, 2008

My parents are in town! We love when they come to visit—especially when they are BOTH able to come. Our children have been looking forward to it for weeks. And, honestly, so have I.

You see, to borrow a phrase from Nephi, I was ‘born of goodly parents.’ My dad and mom love Jesus Christ and they live according to His gospel. When I was a child, I did not fully appreciate their goodness. Even as an adult, I’m not sure I fully comprehend the blessing of having such wonderful parents. But, my heart swells whenever I consider that God sent me to them. I do not know what I did to deserve such a blessing, but I am eternally grateful.

~Brother McLay


Anonymous said...

Why no posting on Fount of Youth? Is it because you're attention has been diverted to better projects?