Hot Date Friday

Friday, October 10, 2008

Our First Date

At EFY, it's inevitable. Someone is going to ask how we met. Or how we fell in love. Or about our first kiss. Well, we may not be the type to kiss and tell...

For those of you hopeless romantics {or the scientific few who enjoy learning about love stories in an effort to construct some understanding of that hazy phenomena called marriage} here is the story of the first time Sir John and Lady Brooke went on an official first date:

Christmas vacation had just begun at BYU. A fine chap had stopped by one evening to meet a fair maiden. The night went well. Conversation was smooth. There was more to talk about. So, he stopped by her humble abode (read: nappy off-campuse housing) the next morningand asked if she'd enjoy an ice skating session that eve. She thought that sounded like a very handsome way to spend her twilight hours. However, two of her little sisters (love you, Britt and Mugs) were visiting. It would be unmannerly to leave them along. She tried to turn down the offer. He persisted. The sisters could come. She sighed {happily} and gave in to his mesmerizing ways. The entire group of them John, Brooke, and little tagalongs enjoyed a black, chilly skate under the stars.

Truth be told, it was rough going for the lady. {She was born sans coordination.} But, the gentleman John skated circles around her {literally} and in no time at all, she'd determined--frozen fingers or no--it was dizzying admiration for this boy.

He held her hand. She held it back. He smiled. She batted eyelashes. He asked if she'd like to go out again the next night. She replied, "Why yes. Why yes indeed," trying not to sound too anxious.

And that next night? Well, it may have something to do with a dainty smooch.

But we'll never tell.