Win! Win! Win!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Sing a song for our first EVER fount of youth giveaway! Hooray!
Two lucky winners will recieve one of the above EFY counselor polo's from times past.
They're bright. They're bold. They're beautiful.
How to win...
Last week, we featured a YSA Hot Date Friday question. Today, there's one from the high school crowd. All we need you to do is....send along your best advice. Whether you're in high school, college, or long since turned gray, we'd love to hear from you. Post a comment with your advice and next Friday we'll reveal our two favorite answers to the question & send them one of these rock awesome polo shirts.
{and in case you're wondering...they are a guy's size Medium, so will fit boys and gals alike.}

the question:
My friends and I plan good, fun, group dates on lots of weekends. I try really hard to be a gentlemen to the young women I ask on the dates, but they sometimes seem unappreciative of the whole thing. When I opened the car door one time, my date rolled her eyes at her friend and giggled. And, sometimes I swear they'd rather talk to anyone else in the group but me. Girls always say they want a perfect gentlemen, but so many of them don't act like perfect ladies. How can I be a cool date without coming across as awkward or stiff or seeming strange?


jksfam said...

I say keep doing it - the girls aren't behaving properly! You'll find someone who appreciates it!!! These are the kind of things to be aware of during the dating years.

Terri Ann said...

Maybe you should pick the girls more carefully. Meaning: choose someone that you think would be fun to go out with, but also that might appreciate the smaller acts of kindness a little more. All girls want to be "wooed" and sometimes, even if the girl isn't the most "popular" girl in school, she is still pretty cool to go on a date with. I think that Sister McLay should have a talk with these young ladies, like her "dating talk" at EFY and tell them how to treat guys that they go on a date with. But, as for you, the guy, keep doing what your doing on the dates, but maybe choose your dates a little more carefully.


Be the best person you can be, you sound like a nice person and polite but you might be a little awkward. I have the same problem. What works for me is being myself and being confident in myself. And some girls are just too picky and judgmental, stay away from them! Ask people out who will accept who you really are, a good person. Also, the more you date, the less awkward you will get, so don't give up. Last of all, if there is something about yourself that even "accepting" girls don't like, change and make yourself a better person. However, if you are already a good guy, DO NOT make yourself a worse person just so the "judgmental" girls will have fun. Basically, Choose the right girls, stay righteous, be yourself and confident, and just have fun!

Anonymous said...

Keep being who you are! I think what you are doing is great,if the girl does not appreciate what your doing,dont waste your time,a girl will come along that wants to be with you for the person you are,I say it should be a 50/50 kind of thing,if your putting effort in so should she.

Anonymous said...

Don't change what you're doing. Be a perfect gentleman and one day you will be blessed with a girl who is so glad you show such respect and such good manners. In the meantime, keep asking girls out and if they don't treat you right in return, simply look at it as a learning experience....that's what dating is anyway....and keep asking out the girls who appreciate your goodness. My guess is the girls rolling their eyes really do like your chivalry too. Who doesn't like being treated good? They just don't show it, and that's too bad. But we love nice boys!! Promise :D